We strengthen Navy and Marine Corps combat readiness worldwide through facilities lifecycle support focused on the Fleet, Fighter, and Family. We deliver sustainable, adaptable facilities, expeditionary capabilities, and contingency response to the Navy Expeditionary Combat Enterprise, all other Warfare and Provider Enterprises, the Marine Corps, Unified Commanders, and DoD Agencies. NAVFAC’s innovation, responsiveness, and agility enable a forward-deployed, rotational, and surge-capable Navy.
Homeported and deployed U.S. and Allied forces, tenant commands and families value the exceptional facilities support services provided by PWD Sigonella because they exceed customer expectations and maximizes operational readiness and quality of life on NAS Sigonella.
Public Works Department: 624-5771
Trouble Desk: 624-6013
Trouble Desk after hours: 624-6013
Mobile: (+39) 095-86-5771/6013
Regular Working Hours: 0800-1600 Monday-Friday
After Hours: Evenings, Weekends, Holidays: Duty Seabee