Mission Statement:
Provide public works solutions and support for construction, repair and maintenance for Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, enabling the Marine Corps to continue making Marines.
What We Do – Products & Services:
Public Works Department (PWD) Parris Island employs a mix of Navy and Marine Corps DOD civilians and uniformed service members responsible for providing engineering, construction and service contracting, and facility management to the Depot. PWD Parris Island provides several functions and services through contracted support, in-house shops, and regionalized support. A list of these services include:
• Facilities maintenance
• Emergency service call
• Project management and engineering
• Facilities support service contracts
• Acquisition and construction management
• Asset management
• Utilities and energy management
• Environmental planning and compliance
Areas of Responsibility:
• Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island
• Naval Hospital Beaufort
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island
62 Atsugi Street, Building 852
Parris Island, SC 29905
Customer Service Center: (843) 228-3045/3145